This home was in a unique location – across the main drag from the St. Croix River in downtown Hudson. Being in a primary location, it was remarkably private with only one neighbor and a large bluff for the back yard. And the sunsets? Spectacular! This was one of the lighter remodels we did, focusing on the yard and driveway. Doug filled in a large ditch and made it a sloping lawn. He also removed an invasive type of bamboo and brought in a lot of gravel to make a large driveway. We added interior and exterior paint, using one of my favorite colors Benjamin Moore’s OC-17 “White Dove”.

There was an interesting history to this home – a former owner sold plants from the yard and each Christmas, put on a spectacular light display! The fuse box in the garage had breakers labeled “Santa”, “Reindeer”, etc. We would often tell people about the house saying…”You know that first white house that used to have a ton of Christmas lights? Yeah, that house.”